Do you Want the Customers? Do you want the Sales ? Then you have to be So active to provide something new and Attractive to the Customers because Customer is always looking to buy something new and from that store or Online site where he/she doesn’t Face any difficulty. So to remove that Difiicullties a Technique called Omnichannel Retailing is used.
Libra Web Solutions service include: Omnichannel Ecommerce Platform Development, Omnichannel Ecommerce Development, Omnichannel Ecommerce Developers, Omnichannels SpecialistContact Us Now
What is Omnichannel Retailing:
Omnichannel Retailing is Basically the multichannel approach that is used to provide the customers a different shopping experience. He did not face any difficulty or did not get bored while doing shopping. It doesn’t matter he is purchasing the Goods Online,in Retail Store,by Telephone,or in Brick and a Mortar store.
Now a days Companies trying to make the customer experience very Smooth that is why they are adopting this Omnichannel Retailing very fast So Here we are providing the 5 Excellent examples of Omnichannel done Right :
There are many companies which are moving in the direction to adopt this technique Here are few who already adopted and doing it in a Pefect way :
This Huge Shopping brand which is famous for its formal clothing now started to attract the customers who loves to do Online shopping. To attract those customers Raymond is taking the help of Omnichannel , They have a big Digital Screen on which the Various Styles are shown Regularly. They also build a Virtual Try Room on which one can take all his body measurement and the screen will show up the shirts according to the Size. So one don’t need to go to the Physical try room anymore. Also they have facility to sale those product which they don’t have in their store right now but they take the order online and fulfill it through their Web store. So they don’t want to loose any Customer at any cost.
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Star buck is a Leading Coffee chain and they are using the Multiple channels very smartly. Anyone can order from any platform on their Outlet whether it is Mobile app or From Phone or by walking to the Outlet. They are giving some buck son every purchase to every customer so that reflect instantly in the customer account and customer can check it by any means.
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the leading Furniture Brand in India now trying to concentrate on Omnichannel retailing. They opened their store in banglore. In this store one can visit and feel the touch and company is providing the offer to meet with the interior designers as well Also customer can order online by sitting in that store too. So it’s a great way of getting the customer involved.
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The leading Shoes brand also Joins the Party and Started their Store where they are using different channels to attract the customers. They have a unique machine which takes measurement of your foot and display the various design according to your size and shape of your foot.they have a digital screens which is displaying the latest designs. Also they are taking the orders Online from that store as well.
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The leading fashion brand of U.S have a Website, Mobile App and a lot of Brick and Mortar Stores . they are providing their customers a seamless experience of buying anything . the customer have lot of options to choose and that too from the same brand. The brand also gives the IPODS to their employess to check whether the product is in available in the store or not. If it is not available then they also take the order and fulfill it through their web store.
So these are the excellent examples where Omnichannel Retailing is executed right and helping them to Maintian and increase their Customer base.
Libra Web Solutions – Digital Transformation Company Mumbai India, with 100+ customers from 15+ countries, delivered 200+ projects. Please get in touch with us at for Ecommerce Store Design and Development, Ecommerc Website Managemnt, App Development, Ecommerce Store Manintenance and Support, E-commerce Digital Marketing.