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  1. Personal and human resources
  2. Transcription
  3. Web research
  4. Project management
  5. Web analytics
  6. Web application security
  7. Programming bug fixing
  8. Project management
  9. Project management between you and team members

Social media marketing

  1. Promoting facebook pages
  2. Making facebook fan pages and teams
  3. Posting and programming facebook insights
  4. Promoting facebook pages
  5. Managing and increasing your twitter following
  6. Schedule tweets, track mentions and hash tags
  7. Produce and manage LinkedIn profile
  8. Produce pinnable pictures on pinterest
  9. Programme and pursuit pins
  10. Produce and manage YouTube
  11. Transfer videos on YouTube
  12. Alleviate YouTube comments
  13. Uploading videos to alternative video sharing sites
  14. CRM integration and social media integration

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Technical / Wordpress website support:

  1. Support and develop wordpress
  2. Install wordpress plugins and themes
  3. Wordpress theme customisation
  4. Wordpress practicality and plugin improvement
  5. Powerpress (Podcasting WP plugin) integration


  1. Email services
  2. Responsive client service emails
  3. Emails to market content
  4. Making email news letters
  5. Writing / proofreading emails
  6. Promoting code
  7. Adding and removing subscribers from list
  8. Causing shopper invoices
  9. Payment gateway entry integration

Graphics / graphic designer:

  1. Sending e-greeting cards
  2. PDF conversion, cacophonic and merging
  3. Transcription of video and audio files
  4. eBook layout / data formatting
  5. Document template creation
  6. Removing background from audio and video
  7. Coming up with logos, banners, icons, eBook covers and headers
  8. Coming up with infographics pictures, websites, making mock ups
  9. Coming up with landing sales opt-in pages
  10. Basic video writing

Libra Web Solutions service include: Hire virtual Assistant, Hire Virtual Employee, Hire Part Time Virtual Assistant, Monthly Virtual Assistant, Weekly Virtual Assistant

Product launch:

  1. Social bookmarking
  2. Web log commenting- off page improvement
  3. Forum participation
  4. Making back links / link building
  5. Lead generation
  6. Voice mail checking

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Accounting and book keeping:

  1. Website analysis
  2. Key word analysis for web log content
  3. Challenger analysis
  4. Internet master submission
  5. Sitemap submissions
  6. Landing page setup / creation
  7. On-page or off-page improvement for a post

8. Data
base management and data processing:

  1. Content / web log post creation
  2. Guest blogging
  3. SEO writing
  4. Release writing
  5. News report writing
  6. Copy writing
  7. Article spinning
  8. Article promoting

9. Marketing
and support

  1. Word processing
  2. Writing, editing and proof reading
  3. Website maintenance and webmaster
  4. Web application security
  5. Information building / change contacts
  6. Calendar management
  7. Reminder services
  8. Drop box organisation
  9. Managing spreadsheets and getting ready for PowerPoint
  10. Preparation of coaching materials
  11. Coaching of recent virtual employees
  12. Web site maintenance and troubleshooting
  13. Podcast insertion on blogpost content
  14. Monthly key word ranking reports

    Contact us

Libra Web Solutions – Digital Transformation Company, with 100+ customers from 15+ countries, delivered 200+ projects. Please get in touch with us at info@librawebsolutions.com for any Web, E-Commerce, DevOps, Mobile Apps, Analytics,Web Application Security, Virtual assistant services. Cloud and Things requirements


8 Reasons you should start using content marketing to grow your ecommerce store

Setting up a website and listing your products won’t deliver appropriate results for you. There are already various ecommerce portals. So, it becomes quite tricky for ecommerce owners to earn a healthy traffic and higher online sales. All you have to do is, to establish a unique presence on the web. This is where content marketing plays its game. The importance of content marketing for ecommerce brands has been significantly growing. Creating valuable free content creates trust, builds your brand, keeps people informed, gives you something to share on social media and helps you rank in search engines. More importantly, content marketing helps you attract and convert prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers. Ecommerce content is the foundation of inbound marketing which helps pulling people in with something interesting, rather than pushing ads on them.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce content Marketing Services, Ecommerce content Marketing Strategy, Ecommerce Product Management Services, Ecommerce Small Business Services, Ecommerce Content Writer Services Contact Us Now


In this article, you will learn what you need to do, to start using content marketing to grow your ecommerce store.

1. Analyze your industry:

What should you need to know before you jump into creating content?? You should know where you stand in your industry. You create a piece of content you love, but everyone ends up ignoring it, because it just looks like any other piece of content out there. Isn’t it worse?? Of course yes. But, how can you differentiate your content?? Best way to do this is, analyze your competitors. To do so, you first need to know who these people are. If you know your industry well enough, then you probably have a good idea who you should be spying on. After you have all your competitors, this is what you have to do:

  • Start browsing through their content and see what they write about and how they develop content and how many shares and links it gets.

  • Use competitor intelligence tools to look only to the best performing pieces of content and analyze those to find patterns.

Once you have all your notes together, you want to start looking for patterns within those patterns. Also, you want to take a good look at what topics they use and what angles they choose. This analysis will help you come up with new ideas to develop for your own content marketing strategy.

Contact us for Ecommerce content Marketing Services

2. Media:

Every time you publish a piece of content, make sure everybody that belongs to your owned media hears about it. Easiest way to promote your content is through your media like, your blog, your email list, and your social media accounts. For some reason, most people focus only on coming up with ideas and creating content. But they forget they need to go out and promote it to earn their traffic. All you need to do is make a list of all these people, and start creating a relationship with them. Once they know you, you can start outreaching to share with them your new piece of content. By that, they will share it, comment it and link it.

Contact us for Ecommerce content Marketing Strategy

3. Goals:

You just simply can’t start a content marketing strategy without a clear target audience and also can’t start one without a clear set of goals. Your content marketing should help you achieve your goals like getting added to carts and sales. Just like any marketing strategy you implement, to track the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts, you need to define goals directly tied with it. Some of the goals include:

  • get organic traffic

  • get referral traffic

  • get social traffic

  • get email subscribers

  • get sales

Not all goals should be picked by you, you should select your goal depending on your company. Pick the one suitable for your company and stick with them for 6 months. After 6 months, you will be able to know how each goal works, how much impact it has on your company and what you can do to influence its performance.

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4. Maintain consistency:

Customers always appreciate posts having up to date or new information. If you lack content for purpose, you may seek help from digital marketing companies that offer content development service. Search engines will always be eager for new web pages of course with rich content, so that they can offer the most relevant results to their users. If you want your ecommerce website to appear on the first page of all leading search engines, you must update your website with fresh and unique content on a regular basis. To keep yourself up to date in this area, you can do following:

  • Analyze your competitor keywords regularly to know where you are lacking and what you are lacking and what you need to do improve the results of your content marketing efforts.

  • Use Google analytics to find out which terms people are using while looking for products and services. It helps you to design relevant key words easily so that you can use them to promote your web pages and increase sales.

  • Read content on websites that focus on the search marketing industry.

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5. Social media marketing:

Social media is an important part of our everyday lives. So why not use it for our content marketing. You don’t need specially need to do anything. Just add main social media buttons to your ecommerce website. So that, your visitors may share the content they like. Not just marketing, when you amalgamate social media marketing with content marketing, it helps you in many ways like,

– drives traffic to your website, which eventually increases you sales too.

– increases page views, quick brand recognition among potential customers

– It allows direct interaction with millions of social media users and solves their problems.

6. Ideas:

What do produce as content?? Let’s talk about the format first. Here are the most popular ecommerce formats, let’s look at the format of written content first. Written content generally includes blog, newsletter, magazine, e-book, guides, and review of products, press release, and opinion piece. Apart from that content with videos, images, memes, demo is also produced. Its upto you to decide which ones to use, but it also depends on your business as some formats might add significantly more value than others in your specific case. You can have a blog with different formats, or can separate them on your pages. So, start off with just a few that you’re sure and can keep going and expand when you feel you’re ready.

7. Create videos:

Videos here, doesn’t necessarily need to be something related to marketing and advertising. Add videos that are related to the product or something not related to the products, but that serves to be useful to the product. Generally, such type of videos includes DIY stuff and how to use the products you sell etc. In other words, you should give something free to your customers as an attraction strategy and sell something related. Use should keep in mind that:

  • you can use videos to explain your products

  • teaching is powerful

  • Reach your audience beyond products.

Contact us for Ecommerce Content Writer Services

8. Enhances shopping experience:

Who don’t enjoy shopping?? Well, everyone does. Worthwhile content enhances the experience all across the journey of the customer along with the insights and entertainment. Availability of content gives users the option to scale up or down the amount of time they spend on shopping. Personal and casual content show your products in context and demonstrate their value in more meaningful ways. Stronger emotional tie lets the shopper imagine more clearly what owning the product would be like for them. The content can also inform the shoppers how to use the product, or features they may not have been aware of.

  • Videos appear in 14% of search results.

  • Only 46% of shoppers will buy a product if video is unavailable.

  • 65% of people believe that videos explain products better.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce content Marketing Services, Ecommerce content Marketing Strategy, Ecommerce Product Management Services, Ecommerce Small Business Services, Ecommerce Content Writer Services Contact Us Now


Customers spend far more time interacting with custom content than ads. This enables more time to interact with the brand, if the content is of your own blog, more time on your site. If you are looking for designing and executing a solid ecommerce content strategy, then you are at a right place. Libra web solutions is an ecommerce solution specialist, who transformed around 80 ecommerce ventures for customers from UK, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, India since 2008. Contact us now at info@librawebsolutions.com

Tag -> Ecommerce content Marketing Services India, Ecommerce content Marketing Strategy india, Ecommerce Product Management Services Mumbai, Ecommerce Small Business Services Mumbai, Ecommerce Content Writer Services India

Take a look at why should consider ecommerce support-services

Take a look at why should consider ecommerce support services

Thanks to the increasing adoption of smart phones and internet. It eventually increased the number of customers who prefer ecommerce store for shopping. In this increasingly competitive environment, personalizing your website helps businesses to rise over and help push their e-business closer to your audience. What is this personalization? It is nothing but the capability of a web store to deliver a buying experience personalized to every visitor. The interests of the customers will be greatly varied. There will be someone who wants to buy the product now, some one who want to buy but carry an extensive research first, and some only to find out the information. These multiple things differentiate one visitor from another. These are often addressed by personalizing a site visitor’s experience. This personalization is made by various services available to collect and analyze each and every aspect of your customers.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce Support Services, Amazon Virtual Assistant Services, Flipkart Virtual Assistant Services, Ecommerce Operations Management Contact Us Now

Why should you consider ecommerce support services? What do they do to your business? Well, take a look.

1. Increases engagement with your brand:

Nearly 60% of customers prefer if an online store remembers their contact details and purchase information. The increased engagement directly adds to the bottom line of the company and also saves you a lot of money that brand spends in ads. If your customer is able to relate to your website better, he or she will automatically spend more time on it and is also tempted to come back in the future.

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2. Improves customer experience:

Personalization builds a long term relationship with customers through customized landing pages, targeted ads, curated email messaging etc. This helps users find specific content those appeals to their needs. This lands the business in the light of being customer centric as against business centric. This eventually increases business by improving customer satisfaction and association.

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3. Increase in order size:

With specifically related information flowing out to your customers, there is a higher chance of them indulging in shopping and buying more per visit. At a point of nearly completing the sale, if you could add a few product recommendations the chances of you being able to sell more products, in the same transaction go up significantly.

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4. Improves sales:

Simple and straight forward personalization helps you better to target your customers and catch their attention. The customers today have a very little attention span and therefore, your window of opportunity is also limited. Personalization helps businesses improve conversions by presenting the information; you want to share with them, in a manner relevant to them. By adopting this particular approach, you can definitely promote a particular product that will appeal your customers and helps in a successful transaction.

5. Improves customer loyalty:

Loyal customers can effortlessly be lured into more business. For most of the brands loyal customers are their brand influencers and brand advocates, who not only purchase the products themselves, but also recommend them to others. All this eventually paves the way to a healthy sustainable online business environment.

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6. Competitive advantage:

The thing that differentiates your website from your competitor is the user experience you offer your customer. Obviously, the friendlier ecommerce website appeals on a higher ground to the user. Ecommerce personalization helps you arrive at just that.

A perfect store is one which performs functionally well, thereby targets more number of users and generates leads. Once a website is developed, it becomes an important on your part to look after its functionality and performance. Support and maintenance program mainly focuses on providing quality and professional outlook to your website. Here, we are going to discuss about 5 crucial ecommerce support services that can boost up your business in multiple ways and helps in avoiding the premature decisions. Most common and popular ecommerce support and maintenance services provided are:

  • Optimizing conversion rate

  • Ecommerce security management

  • Modification in layout and coding

  • On site SEO

  • Monitoring website

  • Support for custom modules

  • Tech support and maintenance

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce Support Services, Amazon Virtual Assistant Services, Flipkart Virtual Assistant Services, Ecommerce Operations Management Contact Us Now

Whether it’s about updating any latest information or ongoing monitoring services, we are here to help you from initial stage to the last step so that your business runs smoothly.. Libra web solutions is a perfect place if you are looking for your ecommerce store maintenance and support. Contact us at info@librawebsolutions.com to offer your users with a website friendly experience, each time they come to visit your website.

Tag -> Ecommerce Support Services India, Amazon Virtual Assistant Services India, Flipkart Virtual Assistant Services India, Ecommerce Operations Management Mumbai


Email Automation

Email marketing is most effective chance for marketing business. Every serious marketer needs not only to know how the automation is done but also how to do it successfully. Smart companies already started to setup their automated bulk email campaigns to trigger off their users actions.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Email Automation Services, Bulk Email Marketing Services, Bulk Email Service Provider, Mass Mailing Services.Contact Us Now

What is Email Automation Services?

As the name implies, automated bulk email marketing is sending out emails to your customers and prospects automatically based on a schedule and they are timely, personalized and hyper relevant to the reader. As a result, they are opened and clicked more frequently.

Before getting started with a system like this that not only sends relevant, engaging emails to customers, but does it automatically, you should know what types of automated bulk emails you can send. These emails generally fall into two categories:

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  1. Trigger emails:

They are just what they sound! They are the emails that are triggered based on your subscriber’s behaviour. They generally include

  • Welcome emails

  • Milestone emails

  • Refer a friend emails

  • Bonus emails

  • Reward emails

  1. Drip feed emails:

They are the type of messages that deliver sequential messages based on a time frame you specify. It can also be a great source of extra revenue, if properly used. They are most commonly used to deliver things to subscribers that have signed up for a free report and to get them to take the next step.

It would be a huge waste of time to manually create and send email campaign to every person. So, instead, you could set up an automated welcome email that gets sent whenever a new person joins signups list. The original beauty of email automation is you can set up email once and then as more people come and meet the trigger you defined, the email continue to be sent to them without your interference. It essentially automates your marketing for you. Personalize your marketing with powerful automation that talk to your customer just like you would.

Email automation works on a basic trigger and action system, you are only limited by what you can do by your creativity and business needs. Here are most common ideas of automated bulk emails you can start sending today that will help grow your business.

1. Welcome:

96% of visitors to your websites are not actually ready to get engaged with you. But, they have clearly shown interest in your business and these are the perfect candidates to continue communication. A great way to do this is to get them to subscribe to your email list. Once they’ve subscribed, you can use an automated bulk email campaign to welcome them to your list and offer a special subscriber only offer.

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2. Increase usage:

Generally most of the companies utilize free trial period to get potential customers to try the product and then become a paying customer. Before people will convert into a paying customer, they need to realize the value of your product during the free trail period, if not why would they start paying for it?

So, to encourage people to progress through those steps and realize the value of your product, you can utilize a series of automated bulk emails that go out people when they get subscribed or create an account.

Although they take a little time to set up, these emails continue to be sent to everyone who gets engaged with you and help to grow our business by encouraging people to progress through the various steps they need to go through to become a paying customer.

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3. Feedback:

It’s highly impossible to build a product that your customers want, when u particularly don’t have any understanding of about what your customers actually want. One of the best ways to find the understanding of your customer is by asking them directly. This helps you to grow your business in a number of ways.

Good news is this kind of email is super easy to set up and you can start getting quality feedback right away. You can either ask people to reply directly with their feedback, or you can link through to surveys to get more structured data.

4. Constant information:

Who wants to lose their existing customers? Well, no one. Losing existing customers can cost your business a lot of money. One of the best ways to make sure you don’t lose a customer is to send them email campaigns informing them that their subscription, account, or policy with you is about to run out.

They are quiet easy to set up. You simply pass in the expiration date of the person’s subscription or account, and then set up a series of automatic emails to go out in days before that date. This kind of emails are extremely effective at getting people to renew their accounts, and can help you grow your business by generating more revenue from your customer base.

5. Offer a surprise:

Surprise here is nothing but sending a simple birthday email. They are one of the most common types of automated bulk emails you can send and they can be extremely effectively when done right. This email not only wishes the reader a happy birthday but they also show care about their customers. Also provide them with a highly relevant birthday offer that encourages them to make a purchase.

This kind of email is super easy to set up if you have your customer’s date of birth. You simply set up a recurring email based on a date, and the email will automatically be sent each time that date rolls out around.

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6. Remainders:

Repeat business is a critical driver of growth for many organizations. One of the best ways to get repeat business from your existing customers is to send them regular remainder emails. This works particularly well for businesses that provide a service on a recurring basis, like mechanics who offer regular tune ups or dentists who do routine check ups and cleans.

As long as you are keeping track of your clients most recent appointment times, this type of email is easy to setup. They helps to grow your business by automatically reminding your existing customers to come back for another appointment and helps to increase revenue form your existing customer base.

7. Promote your posts:

Do you run a blog as a part of your company’s marketing mix, then email is one of the

most powerful channels for growing your audience. When you publish a new post on your blog, make sure you send your subscribers an email alerting them of the new post and enticing them to click through and read it.

To do this for your business, set up an automated bulk email that monitors your blogs RSS feed for new posts and automatically pulls the content in and sends the email to your list of subscribers. This kind of campaign helps to grow your business by attracting subscribers back to your website to consume and share your content.

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8. Promote your event:

If your business includes running events, meet ups or webinars, then getting people to attend is critical to driving a positive return on investment. Even if you get a large number of registrations only about 50% people end up attending. A great way to increase this is to send people bulk email remainder emails in the lead up to the event, then a series of follow up emails after the event.

Automated bulk emails like the ones above can help grow your business without having to put hours of your precious time and effort into creating and sending email campaigns. As a marketer, you likely have more things competing for your limited time and resources. However, of all opportunities available to you to grow your business, email marketing still remains one of the most impactful, and setting up automated bulk emails can help you drive results without having to spend time continuously working on them.

All your automated bulk email marketing needs are answered here at Libra web solutions. If you are looking for having email marketing done for your customers, explain us the concept and we will strategize, design, and send and get you know about the reports on open, clicks and more.To know more contact us at info@librawebsolutions.com.

Tag -> Email Automation Services India, Bulk Email Marketing Services Mumbai, Bulk Email Service Provider India, Mass Mailing Services Mumbai


Improve Ecommerce With Order Management Integrations

So you’ve finally launched your ecommerce store and you’re looking forward expectantly to a profitable and rewarding business. Sometimes, the business start-up may be shaky and there are risks involved if you do not quickly get a grip on the proper business procedures. In order to avoid packing up your business, you’re going to have to perfect your organizational skills. This involves effectively managing your orders from various sales channels. Below are a few tips to carry out order management integration effectively.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce Reporting Services, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Services, Ecommerce Order Management Services, Ecommerce Product Listing Services Contact Us Now

Improve Your Inventory Visibility

A reliable order management system should be able to make use of online shopping cart integration and notify its users of all items in the shopping cart. This will enhance tracking of products which have been purchased or are about to be purchased. Customers will experience a smooth transaction process which will encourage them to return to your e-store.

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Ensure Timely Delivery

Many successful online retail stores make use of shipping systems integration. Examples of these are UPS, FedEx, etc. These shipping services ensure that delivery of goods and services are timely and provide maximum customer satisfaction. The use of shipping service integration makes the process of generating shipping labels and carriers an easy task.

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Make Use of Reliable Payment Methods

Ensure that the payment process used on your website provides seamless transactions that are safe and quick. Customers are always on the lookout for ecommerce stores with reliable payment methods so as to be sure that they are not exposing themselves to fraud or theft. Most online transactions are carried out through means of Paypal, Skrill, or directly to debit/credit cards such as MasterCard, Visa, Verve and others.

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Order management systems will provide great benefits to ecommerce stores by establishing proper online procedures that will help business owners manage their store(s) effectively and boost customer satisfaction.

Libra Web Solutions has a portfolio of expertise in dealing with Order Management on ecommerce stores. Avoid the hassle of encountering setbacks in your business and let us handle these integrations for you.

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Libra Web Solutions is a reputable Ecommerce solution specialist that has transformed 75+ ecommerce ventures worldwide. Our services include Order Management, Mobile Payment Integrationamong others and our team of experts are always willing to respond to your business needs with efficiency and quality.

Tag -> Ecommerce Reporting Services India, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Services India, Ecommerce Order Management Services India, Ecommerce Product Listing Services India

Tips on How to Freshen Your Online Store

Tips on How to Freshen Your Online Store

In order to prevent a drop in sales on your ecommerce store, it is important to keep your website content fresh and interesting. Regularly refreshing your content, themes, navigation, images and web copy helps to give your website a fresh new look and keep customers looking forward to your new additions. Always be sure to update software and features so as to keep up with trends and even create some of your own. Below are a few tips to help you achieve this:

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce Website Maintenance, Ecommerce Reporting Services, Ecommerce Marketing Company, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Services Contact Us Now


1) Get on the Latest Design Trends

Don’t be left behind on current waves in the aspect of your web design. Be sure to get the latest information and optimize your website to suit such requirements. Aim for captivating themes that will attract viewers to your online store.

Contact us for Ecommerce Website Maintenance

2) Post Fresh Content

If you happen to manage a blog along with your website or post promotions, offers and updates unto social media platforms, you need to constantly make sure that the content of such posts is fresh. No one would like to read duplicated material and you might attract penalties from Google against such practices. When your site has fresh material to offer, there’s surely going to be a reason for your customers to come back again and again.

Contact us for Ecommerce Reporting Services

3) Launch New Features

Customers are always delighted to see new and improved versions of features on your site. You could run a survey to find out what’s lacking and make an effort to revamp the whole site if necessary. Try to engage your customers by attending to their needs through discounts, offers, promotions and new products.

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Make sure you do all that you can to prevent your website from going stale on the ecommerce platform and ensure that you do not leave any irrelevant content that may hinder a smooth business procedure. Also keep close watch on your inventory stock messaging to know which products are out of stock and need a refill.

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We know it can be very tasking to maintain fresh content on your online store. That’s why at Libra Web Solutions our experts handle your website development and maintenance while you focus on brainstorming and creativity.

Libra Web Solutions is a reputable Ecommerce solution specialist that has transformed 75+ ecommerce ventures worldwide. Our services include Website Graphics, Design and Management Our team of experts are always willing to respond to your business needs with efficiency and quality.

Tag -> Ecommerce Website Maintenance India, Ecommerce Reporting Services India, Ecommerce Marketing Company India, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Services India

Why Support Services is a Must for Your Ecommece-Store

Why Support Services is a Must for Your Ecommece Store?

A well-established ecommerce store must function exceptionally well. This means that all its features must be properly maintained so as to remain in top condition. This way, it will generate more internet leads and help you acquire more customers. This is where support services come in for your ecommerce store. Support services come in a variety of forms but they all have one thing in common which is to boost the efficiency of your website. Below are four examples of top ecommerce support services.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce Support Services, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Services, Ecommerce Store Support Services, Contact Us Now

Contact us for Ecommerce Support Services

1) Reliable Customer Support Service

Having a quality customer support service on your ecommerce store will surely boost customer relations. Your clients need to be reassured that there is always help available on standby whenever they encounter any challenge on your website. This service may be provided in different formats which include a live chat, direct email links, social media platforms, contact numbers, helpdesk etc. It is important that there are solutions at hand for every possible issue.

Contact us for Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Services

2) Product Database

Ecommerce support services in database management ensure that your inventory remains up to date. This way, you can easily keep track of new arrivals and old stock in your online store. External and internal links to product feeds should also be maintained so as to ensure that the system runs without a glitch.

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3) Product Reviews

Ecommerce support services for product reviews can be broken down into two which are: i) reviews are provided after your product or service has been used ii) customers are given incentive to leave reviews on your website. You do not have to worry about acquiring this service because there are support companies willing to meet all your website’s needs.

Contact us for Ecommerce Store Support Services

4) SEO Support Service

SEO ecommerce support service will help drive web traffic to your domain and this will in turn, improve your chances at securing long-term customers and attracting new ones.

Here at Libra Web Solutions, we offer web support services such as Email Management, Mobile Payment Integration and many more to help your business run effectively. Get in touch with us today to take your ecommerce store to the next level.

Libra Web Solutions is a reputable Ecommerce solution specialist that has transformed 75+ ecommerce ventures worldwide. Our services include Ecommerce Store Analytics & Consulting among and our team of experts are always willing to respond to your business needs with efficiency and quality.

Tag -> Ecommerce Support Services Mumbai, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Services India, Ecommerce Store Support Services Mumbai, Ecommerce Marketplace Management Services India

The Ultimate guide to ecommerce store setup and operations for small business

The Ultimate guide to ecommerce store setup and operations for small business

Ecommerce or electronic commerce store is currently one of the most important aspects of the internet to emerge. It is a type of business or commercial transaction that involves the transfer of information which covers a range of businesses, from consumer based retail sites, to business exchange trading goods. Ecommerce allows consumers to electronically exchange goods and services with no barriers of distance and time. For properly implementing an e-business plan, researching and understanding of the guidelines is a crucial part which helps to develop a successful online store.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce operations Services, ecommerce store development, Ecommerce Virtual assistant, Ecommerce marketplace Services, Ecommerce marketplace solutions, Ecommerce operation for small business Contact Us Now

To start an ecommerce business is hard work with many steps and correct decisions that need to come together at the right time. Here are some simple yet important things that are placed in a logical order, to build and grow a profitable ecommerce business.
Let’s get started,

1. Choosing a product:

The most challenging part of starting a new online business is to know what product you want to sell. It’s always advisable to start with the ideas you already have. Another great source of product inspiration can come from your local news papers which tend to feature new, innovative and local concepts and products. With all your resources available you should start generating a healthy list of product ideas to begin.

Contact us for Ecommerce operations Services

2. Research your competition:

You’ve have found your product. So, what’s next? Its time to write your business plan. Before you do that you should thoroughly research your competition, so that you know exactly what you are up against. It’s always better to identify your top 5 competitors’ specific to your industry and make a list of things you like and don’t like. Most importantly consider the following things like:
What are their prices?
What is their product photography like?
How are their product descriptions?
What are their shipping options like?
Is their site optimized for mobile?
Now that you have a list of your top 5 competitors and basic research on how they operate, its important to operate with flexibility and pivot direction.

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3. Brand positioning:

As in the name, brand positioning is nothing but positioning your brand in the mind of your customers. This includes a vast section of marketing itself.
-Elements like pricing, distribution, and even competition highly depend on brand position.
-Positioning of brand plays a significant role in ecommerce, which deals with a massive volume of products. This makes marking out a single brand quite tough, especially if your brand is not a renowned one.
-The product that you promote should match the requirement of your target audience. Only then you can expect a successful conversion.
-In ecommerce, product exclusivity forms a crucial feature. With the bulk of products available, exclusive product is bound to capture the attention of users.
– Personalisation of customer experience gives your brand an exclusive touch. It helps in bridging the gap between your business and customers. It brings customers close to you thereby creating a sense of trust on your product.
Why brand positioning is important? Proper brand positioning helps in increasing your product visibility to the relevant audience by promoting it at right time.

4. Unique selling position:

Call it whatever you want, USP is what sets you apart from others. With all the competition present, customers will be asking why they should buy from you. And your answer is your unique selling position. Create a USP that sets you apart from your competition. So, apart from explaining how you’re different, what else can a strong USP do for your ecommerce store? A strong USP helps build your ecommerce store’s brand. It increases your sales. So, now that you know what a USP is and what it does to your business, let’s see how to create yours.
a. Research:
First thing you need to do is research your top 5 competitors and figure out what their USP is. Also see what their customers are saying about them. You need to do some research on yours and should develop a customer persona. This will help you identify what your customers really care about, so that you can deliver it to them uniquely.
b. Extract benefits:
Customers generally shop for benefits. You need to understand what benefits you deliver to your customers. To rule this out, use your customer persona research to help you out
c. Find what’s unique:
Not always the product needs to be unique, your brand position also does. You have identified several benefits that you provide to your customers. Using your competitor research compare your benefits to theirs. It could be anything from product quality to customer service.
d. Keep it Simple:
Your USP is one of the first things they see the moment they land on your store. So, make it clear and concise. No one is going to read paragraphs of why you’re different!!
e. Market:
Your USP is at the core of your business, which means it needs to be everywhere. Put it on your website, definitely on the homepage, but possibly on the other pages in header. Put it on your social networks and anywhere a consumer comes in contact with your brand.
Differentiate yourself from the hundreds of other stores in your industry. No one is going to give you a second thought if you’re just like everyone else. Show them what’s unique about you and they’ll never forget.

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5. Minimum viable product:

A minimum viable product is a new product developed with sufficient features to satisfy early adopters. Minimal viable product helps a team to gather the greatest amount of insight about consumers. It costs less for the business to produce, while showing enough value to get people to try it. It channels consumer feedback to the business, which it can then use to refine and improve future product development. This model introduces products to consumer groups in limited doses with the goal of enlisting early adaptors who offer useful data in addition to revenue. The data obtained is used to optimize the continuing development of the product until market satisfaction is achieved. MVP is an effective tool for ecommerce owners who want to leave room for experimentation and test the waters before getting a new product up and running.

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6. Hire experts:

Planning a website includes to go through a few processes to make sure that we get the best possible result. Well, when we can’t do all the things, its best to trust the experts!! Because a quality web design will make your store look better. It is a misconception that web designer is just there to create mood boards, graphics and to place images in the right spaces. Actually, the job of designer is to plan every detail of your ecommerce store to make it all work in sync. Hence, it is important to hire experts to design your store.

7. Test for feedback:

Effective feedback is valuable information that will be used to make important decisions. Feedback both positive and negative is very helpful. Top performing companies are top performing companies because they consistently search for ways to make their work better everyday. Feedback is helpful only when it highlights weaknesses as well as strengths. First of all, select your audience to get feedback from. It’s always better to select people whom you trust, like your friends, family, and colleagues etc. Continued feedback is important across entire organisation to create strategies and service improvements.

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8. Refine feedback:

Feedback generally doesn’t contain a single opinion. As the feedback is collected from different people, it includes different opinions of different people. It’s impossible to consider every single feedback obtained. So, first important thing to do is to refine the obtained feedback. This makes you easy to do change your strategies and improve your services, formulate better decisions to improve and increase performance. After all continued learning is the key to improving.

9. Hire virtual assistants:

Setting up a website and starting a business is not just enough. You should work on it from time to time, add new products, market it, campaign for it. All these things cannot be done at a time a single person. Hence, it is important to hire virtual assistants. They are experts in importing subscribers, setting up welcome series, nurture and drip campaigns, provides you with monthly reports. In the meanwhile, you are freed up to concentrate on your own expertise and leadership, While all your needs are answered by experts!

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10. New offers:

An exciting offer can never go wrong!! Generally shipping offers are a big deal to consumers shopping for holiday gifts. Consumers generally don’t like to pay shipping fees; hence they mostly look for sites that offer free shipping. Generally these promotional offers are used to motivate consumers to buy. An offer can encourage a buyer to order more of given items. Most common offers include:

-free shipping
-free gift with purchase
-a percentage off
-cash back

Promos are regular part of doing business and something the consumer expects.

11. Listing on other ecommerce platforms:

Now you are done with designing your web site, exciting offers, exceptional products. How do people get to know about your business?? Advertising. Your subscribers are not your only customers. You should increase the access of your business by advertising about it on other ecommerce platforms. Reach of people to the popular websites will be relatively more. So why not use it for our business? It’s best to list your business with most popular deals available on the other platforms with relatively more access. The options are practically limitless when you take your campaign online effectively.

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If you are looking for ecommerce store design and development, we are here to help you. Libra web solutions is an ecommerce solution specialist who transformed 75+ ecommerce ventures for customers from UK, Australia, India, Hong Kong and Singapore since 2008. Feel free to contact us at: info@librawebsolutions.com

Tag -> Ecommerce Operations Services India, Ecommerce Store Development India, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Mumbai, Ecommerce Marketplace Services India, Ecommerce Marketplace Solutions India, Ecommerce Operation for Small Business


Top 10 Email Marketing Platforms

What shows biggest impact on the success of your marketing campaign? Choosing the best email marketing service.

Email marketing is one of the most cost effective marketing tool. It establishes direct contact with your customers, gives you full control and most important it is easy to manage.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Email Marketing Services, Bulk Email Marketing Services, Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency, Email Marketing Strategy Company, Managed Email Marketing Services, Bulk Email Service Provider Contact Us Now


Good email marketing service is very important as it enables you to create highly engaging emails, manage your contacts, segment your users into groups, tracks the performance of email campaign, most importantly it ensures that email don’t end up in a spam folder.

Let’s take a look at some of the best email marketing service providers:

1. MailChimp:

It is most popular email service provider. They provide great tools, awesome support and easy to use user interface. It integrates many platforms like magneto, word press etc. it comes with email creator, merge tags, auto responds, segmenting contacts into groups and simple tracking. Based on users time zone it allows to setup delivery time and setup segmenting based on geolocation.

Lot of customer support is offered by email, live chat and a huge knowledge base with videos and tutorials.

MailChimp offers a forever free plan which allows you to send 12,000 emails for 2000 subscribers. Their paid plans start from $10/month.

Because of the free plan, MailChimp is best email marketing service so far.

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2. Active Campaign:

ActiveCampaign combines your email marketing with CRM and sales. It provides you with all tools you need to create and master marketing campaigns. ActiveCampaign comes with an attractive template edit and mobile friendly sign up forms. It also simplifies your work by segmenting contacts based on their actions, locations, behaviour and social data. It also fetches additional data about contacts by using their email address.

It also integrates with third party software including word press along with that you can also send SMS message to your contacts for follow up on campaigns.

ActiveCampaign plan starts from $9/month. You can also request a free demo with limited features for a test run.

Even the pricing on the ActiveCampaign gets quite high, it is totally worth the money if marketing automation is what you are looking for.

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3. Get Response:

It is a hugely popular email marketing solution. It is extremely easy to use and simplifies email marketing for small businesses and absolute beginners. It allows you to create smart automated campaigns with help of some amazing marketing tools. They use tools such as drag and drop builder with which you can create campaign, segment contacts and send content designed for specific groups.

GetResponse also comes with A/B testing, tracking, auto response, landing pages, response forms. It also integrates with third party lead generation software like optinmonster, sales force, Google docs, Zen dex etc.

They also provide support by phone, live chat, emails etc. They provide a help section which is full of free learning material including videos, webinars, guide etc.

GetResponse offers a 30 day free trail, their pricing starts from $15/ month.

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4. Constant Contact:

ConstantContact is one of the fastest growing and largest email marketing services in the world. Most importantly it is beginner friendly and easy to use. ConstantContact can easily manage your email lists, contacts, templates and more. Each account gives you access to easy tracking and reporting, built in social media sharing tools, image library and 1 GB of storage for your own files.

They also offer unmatched support with live chat, email and a vast library of resources. They also offer online training as well as live seminars in your neighbourhood. This allows small business to quickly learn the basics of email marketing and start using it like a pro.

It has a 60 day free trail and after that their pricing starts at $20/month.

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5. AWeber:

AWeber is one of the most popular email marketing service providers in the world. They offer a wide range of tools for small and medium sized businesses to manage their email marketing. Getting started with AWeber is easy, you get access to ready to use email templates, list management, auto responders, email tracking etc.

They also offer support through live chat, phone support, live webinars and a vast library of tutorials.

It offers a 30 day free trail, after that their pricing starts from $14/month.

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6. Conver Kit:

ConverKit is a most popular platform for personal bloggers, authors and marketers. It is extremely easy to use and is incredibly powerful. It allows you to easily offer content upgrades and incentives with email sign ups and also manages auto responders allowing you to send drip emails. ConverKit easily segments contacts into old one and new ones; this is great for marketing automation.

Pricing starts from $29 /month with a 30 day refund policy.

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7. Campaign Monitor:

CampaignMonitor is another popular email marketing solution. It gives u everything you need to be a successful campaigner. They have a drag and drop email builder which allows you to use professional designed email template and you can personalize each message using rich customer data. This makes emails more personal and gives much better results. They also offer drag and drop segmentation tool to create different campaigns for different contacts based on their behaviour and action. They also have easy to use A/B testing, tracking, optimization and social sharing tools.

Campaign Monitor pricing starts from $ 9/month.

8. Pardot:

Pardot, powered by sales force, is a most popular marketing tool. It offers a cutting edge marketing technology that places all your marketing needs and CRM under one roof. It offers email builder with responsive and out of the box templates, drag and drop nurturing builder, scheduled email sending, A/B testing, rendering and spam filter check ups. It is also extremely user friendly and has great integrations with CRM and tons of other tools.

It is quite a bit high on price. It has different pricing tires starting from $100 per month.

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9. Interspire :

Interspire email marketer is a true all in one communications platform and includes everything you need to create, send and track professional HTML emails, autoresponders, surveys, events, contacts, and more. It is fully featured email marketing software which has been developed by marketing experts.

They have a lot of features to offer their customers. You can choose from dozens of beautiful templates, you can upload your existing email campaign from your computer, unlimited image hosting, you can view a preview in your web browser, they also allow you to add a link from your email campaign to another.

The pricing starts from $495 per month which is a bit high but it is totally worth it.

10. Net Results:

NetResults is an amazing platform that helps to build, connect, convert and measure all your automated email marketing efforts. With the help of NetResults you can automate marketing workflow, trigger marketing events with a click and power your list segmentation. It provides you a drag and drop email builder automated list management, triggered automated tasks. The software also offers 3 dimensional lead scoring, social media management and sales automation work flow.

Their pricing is a bit high of about $900/month for under 10,000 members.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Email Marketing Services, Bulk Email Marketing Services, Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency, Email Marketing Strategy Company, Managed Email Marketing Services, Bulk Email Service Provider Contact Us Now

For all your email automations done for your customers, explain us the concept and we will strategist, design, send and get you reports on open, clicks and more. To know more about our virtual assistant services, please contact us at info@librawebsolutions.com.

Tag -> Email Marketing Services India, Bulk Email Marketing Services Mumbai, Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency Mumbai, Email Marketing Strategy Company in India, Managed Email Marketing Services Mumbai, Bulk Email Service Provider in India

Catalogue management services for your ecommerce businessa

Here’s everything you have to know about Catalogue management services for your ecommerce business

Today’s customers demand rich, consistent and detailed product information from all retailers. So, as a merchant, you should always be ready to meet their expectations. What actually this ecommerce catalogue management service is? Well, it is a strategic process of managing your ecommerce product catalog, which eventually helps to ensure the quality of your product data across all of your sales channels. It also includes how to organize, standardize, and publish your product data to each sales channel. It doesn’t matter if your product data is your own or from others, like suppliers. All you need to do is to manage it in a way that ensures accuracy across all of your products.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce Catalog Management Services, Ecommerce Product Management Services, Image Optimization Services, Ecommerce Business Support Company, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant, Ecommerce Ranking Services, Amazon Virtual Assistant, Flipkart Virtual Assistant, Ebay Virtual Assistant Contact Us Now

Why ecommerce catalog management is important?

In today’s market, taking time, effort and resources to properly manage your product catalog is worth it. Your ecommerce product catalogue management helps build the foundation of your business.

1. Create rich, consistent product information:

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A properly managed ecommerce product catalog should result in quality data. You just want to make sure that you have customer ready product information that is consistent and fully attributed. When you have a quality data, you can then build a true omnichannel experience across all of your sales channels.

2. Improve customer experience:

Detailed product information ensures your products are searchable, easy to find, and makes customers confident that they’re buying the exact item they want. Rich, detailed product information ties back into a better customer experience. When you provide this type of customer experience, customers choose you over competitors and then return for repeat purchases.

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3. Grow your business:

A good ecommerce catalog management strategy should allow you to support a larger catalog of products that you can get to market faster. It also provides merchant a better foundation to grow their business.

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  • Expand product assortment: When you product data isn’t a mess, it’s easy for you to add more products. With a structure already in place, you can add these products without feeling overwhelmed.

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  • Work with suppliers: another way to grow business is to start working with wholesalers or suppliers. You can develop these relationships so you can find new products you want to sell. Supplier data is usually poor, as they don’t sell directly to the consumers so they don’t need all the extra attributes you’ll need to sell on your channels. Merchants with good catalog management are able to upload and format supplier data so they can start expanding their business.

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Challenges of ecommerce catalog management:

The idea of ecommerce catalog management seems simple enough. You just have to maintain a single catalog of all your ecommerce products. But it’s actually quite hard for merchants. If you update your product information on regular basis, you have a lot of changes to make in different places. Some merchants also receive product information from suppliers. This product data has to be formatted with extra attributes and information to be customer ready on your site. Merchants often have large teams who spend weeks compiling, updating and publishing product data. It’s easy for this data to get messy. This is a problem for both you and your customers.

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How to improve your ecommerce catalogue management?

This entirely depends on the tools you have at your disposal. You’ll generally need a central place to manage your products. Here are three different places you can manage products for you.

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Managing a product catalogue in your ecommerce platform:

If you have a lot of products though and sell across different channels, you’ll quickly outgrow this solution. If you’re just starting out and selling only on your branded site, you can most likely manage your catalog on your ecommerce platform. You’ll have the minimum tools you need to upload and bulk edit your products. Your ecommerce platform wasn’t designed for your product information management, so you’ll lack the extra functionality you need.

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Managing a product catalog in excel:

Many merchants often turn to the mighty power of excel to organize and edit their product data. This is usually an affordable solution to manage product data from different sources. You’ll spend the time upfront formatting, combining and monitoring the quality of your data. But you’ll be able to create different formats of your product information to be uploaded to different sales channels. Excel definitely works for smaller retailers. But, larger merchants will also quickly realize that excel doesn’t result in the quality product data you actually need.

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Managing a product catalog using Product Information Management system:

Growing retailers who sell on different channels and also work with suppliers should consider investing in PIM system. It is a designated application built to centralize and manage all of your product data, no matter where it is coming from and where it needs to go to. Ideally, a PIM streamlines the process it takes to upload, standardize, and publish your data to your sales channels. It ensures that you always have rich, consistent product information that your customers are searching for.

Libra Web Solutions service include: Ecommerce Catalog Management Services, Ecommerce Product Management Services, Image Optimization Services, Ecommerce Business Support Company, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant, Ecommerce Ranking Services, Amazon Virtual Assistant, Flipkart Virtual Assistant, Ebay Virtual Assistant Contact Us Now

Thinking about ecommerce catalog management goes hand in hand thinking about your product strategy. If you are looking to develop catalogue management services for your ecommerce business, we are with you to help. Contact us at info@librawebsolutions.com. At Libra web solutions we successfully transformed around 80 ecommerce ventures for customers from UK, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Singapore since 2008.

Tag -> Ecommerce Catalog Management Services India, Ecommerce Product Management Services Mumbai, Image Optimization Services Mumbai, Ecommerce Business Support Company India, Ecommerce Virtual Assistant Mumbai, Ecommerce Ranking Services Mumbai, Amazon Virtual Assistant India, Flipkart Virtual Assistant India, Ebay Virtual Assistant india